Monday, January 15, 2007

Piala Tok Jinjang 2, 14th January 2007

Tourney : Piala Tok Jinjang 2
Venue : NPNG
Date : 14th January 2007

Edisi ke2 kejohanan yg berprestij ini disertai oleh 25 org pemain yg dibahagi secara telus dan adil kepada 4 pasukan berikut...

BERANI...Badar, Bidin, Rizal, Yot, Lan, Katun
GAGAH...Bgkai, Omaq, Fikri, Hanizam, Nazri, Coreya, Pakcik
TANGKAS...Kamarulzaman, Matad, Moe, Afiq, Manteck, Bahau
PERKASA...Embi, Azrul, Wafi, Duang, Akmal, Bob

Full results...
Tangkas vs Berani...0-2
Perkasa vs Gagah...1-2
Tangkas vs Perkasa...6-1
Berani vs Gagah...2-0
Tangkas vs Gagah...3-6
Berani vs Perkasa...3-0

3rd/4th placing...
Tangkas vs Perkasa...6-2 (game tambahan sebab ada masa lagi, tp kene bayar ref lebih...hehe)
Berani vs Gagah...3-1

Thanks to everyone who came to play or watch...Hope everyone had fun. Looking forward to Piala Tok Jinjang 3, most probably will be held in JB (bile Katun??)

Some unforgettable moments for me (other than gol2 kangkang yg aku bolos tu laa)
-Bgkai menumbuk bola mcm menumbuk org.
-Bgkai nak masuk pitch, tp teammates dia buat x tau.
-Bgkai rembat dari kickoff, tp sayang kene tiang/palang.
-Bgkai score (and the stadium erupts!!).
-Players Team Perkasa bbrp kali berebut nak kluar, tp sub 1 jer.
-Aku dijatuhkan oleh Matad. "Sakit" ooo...hahaha
-Aku lebih rela score gol sendiri (gol tonjol) dari biar Matad score his first competitive goal.
-Matad finally scoring his first competitive goal.
-Lan masuk jadi 2nd choice keeper lepas 1st choice Badar senak, tp Lan pun power jugak!
-Omaq dua kali pegang bola kat luar penalty area, altho he did ask which line was the penalty area just seconds before his first offence.
-Aku score, walaupun aku ckp jgn pass kat aku.
-Matad lupa sebut nama Pakcik masa prize-giving ceremony. Actually bukan lupa, tp nama Pakcik mmg takde sebab dia last skali sampai, xde org tulis nama dia.

So Badar skang 1st choice keeper Tok Jinjang ek? hahahaha...Btw, thanks to Lan for the pics.

InsyaAllah, sampai bertemu lagi di Piala Tok Jinjang 3.

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