Tourney: Menara C Cup 2008
Venue: Sports Planet Ampang
List of Players : Bgkai, Bob, Embi, Pakcik, Pak Lah, Wan (Besar) & Wan (Kecik).
Menara C Cup? C Cup? Hehe...
Reasons not to enter this tourney
-dah lama x masuk tourney
-dah lama x main futsal (ada yg langsung x main sejak sebelum puasa)
-susah nak kumpul “best players”, (beri peluang kepada Wan Kecik untuk masuk tourney for the 1st time)
-Bidin no longer available
Reasons to enter
-member lama yg mintak kita masuk, Zaidi Ismail
-Zaidi bayar entry fee…apa lagi, terus on laa…
20 teams divided into 4 grps of 5….so main at least 4 games… (and at most too…haha)…ada 2 team x dtg rasanya…
Teams yg masuk menggunakan nama team2 terkemuka dunia…Tok Jinjang diundi mewakili Bayern Munich, in Group D…
1st game, against MU, score 2-3…x sepatutnya kalah game ni, 2 kali leading, first goal by Pak Lah and second by Wan Besar. Tp both times diorg equalize. 2nd half diorg skor winner yg lawa giler. Aku rasa 2nd half tu sekejap betul compared to first half…Bob ada satu peluang cantik, tp dia pass kat keeper lawan…Wan Kecik plak nampak sedikit kelam-kabut, tp understandable laa, 1st tourney...
Pakcik kecewa kerana gagal menewaskan MU...
Wan Kecik mencari ketenangan...
2nd game, against Inter Milan, score 1-1. Camana bole x menang game ni x tau la…Ni pun rasa sekejap jer game dah abis…Pakcik skor direct fom my throw…Apa nama skill tu Pakcik? Kaki anjing?
Masih ada harapan untuk qualify for next round, tp kene menang both remaining games…masalahnya, the last 2 teams we played are the best two teams in the group…rupa-rupanya diorg satu geng/kelab/organisasi, so diorg punya game high-scoring draw…xleh salahkan diorg, coz sepatutnya organizer make sure teams ni not in the same group…
Melayan game dari Group C...Group lain, bole la kutuk-kutuk diorg, padahal diorg power...
3rd game, against Porto. Result, 0-2. Seriously, game ni game terbaik kita, mmg semangat giler la, must-win. Awal2 Wan Kecik almost scored beb, from my throw, tapi sayang, terkene tiang/palang...adus…klu x, bole la dia brag kat mentor dia Matad…And seriously, game ni byk betul peluang utk kita, tp keeper dia power beb. One of the best goalkeeping displays I’ve seen…Muka selamba jer, glove pun x pakai, tp save gila-gila…rembat x lepas, placing x lepas…dasat2…Bob ada satu peluang cantik gila, Pakcik passing, tp Bob bole buat dummy, and the chance was lost. Alasan dia, dia ingat Pak Lah ada kat tepi dia, padahal Pak Lah jauh kat belakang…And both their goals membuat aku teringat kat Bidin. Diagonal pass across the goal to my left, to an open teammate, the type of pass Bidin wud normally intercept…Tp defend kita, Bgkai and Wan Besar, byk tolong block rembatan2 diorg...
Are you ready?4th game, against Celtic. Result, 1-3. Game ni dipanggil almost immediately after our last one. Normally, we would protest, mana bole main 2 game straight in a tourney like this, tp since ni dah kira game tanpa makna, x kisahlaa… no pressure…And kita main pun biasa2 jer…diorg mmg bagus la…keeper pun power gak…and very confident to bring out the ball. Salah satu gol diorg bermula bila keeper dia bwk bola keluar sendiri…terkejut engkorang tgk skill camtu…klu x silap, dlm game ni, Wan Kecik ada passing cantik kat Bob, over the top, tp Bob terpassing kat keeper lawan lagik. Tapi Bob ada gak block satu rembatan padu dgn muka dia...Sure nampak bintang punya...Pak Lah scored the consolation goal, making him our topscorer in this tourney…
Thanks to everyone who played, thanks to adik Wan Kecik yg jaga beg, thanks to Zaidi, for the pics too. Thumbs up to organizers (Twelve Event, Better Event and Creative Master Production), despite the 2 shortcomings I mentioned (The Celtic and Porto teams in the same group and us having to play 2 games back-to-back), it was a very well done event I must say. Referees mmg top class…aku respek yg every game ada 2 referee dan diorg seboleh-bolehnya cuba menggunapakai rules yg betul (cannot pass back to the keeper from a keeper throw unless the ball has crossed the midway line or hit an opponent, and too many fouls will result in a penalty from the 2nd spot.)
Before one of the games, ada ref sorang ni, dia start cerita...coz keeper lwn takde, pi toilet buang air...dia cerita la dia pernah tgk sorg mamat ni, tahan kencing sampai cramp...kene urut tgh pitch and kene usung kluar so dia nasihatkan la kita semua jgn tahan kencing, nanti cramp...and mcm2 masalah lain mcm batu karang ker...
Ref: Ingat...jangan tahan kencing, nanti cramp...Brader baju merah yg pegang "adik" dia: Ya tuan, ngeri cerita tuan tu...
Balik awal lagi...
Layan McD jap...gambar sebelum...
Gambar selepas (4 org jer ni...)
Souvenir dari organizer...klu nak mintak gambar lain dari diorg, RM10 per